December with the Famous Five District Guides

Categories Girl Guides

Did you get your Chocolaty Mint cookies yet? Thanks for supporting the girls as they learn money management, sales skills and more. If you were missed in the sales campaign, contact [email protected] with your address and we’ll arrange to get you some. Remember these make a great gift or treat too!

Girls joining Girl Guides at all ages (5 to 17) look forward to a fun and active time. Enrolment practice, outings, learning the promise and motto, sleepover planning are all happening. There’s still time for your daughter to join the fun. Go to for all the information.

The Spring Carnival date will be decided soon. Be sure to watch for more details in future newsletters. This carnival is open to the public and we’d love to see you there!

Famous Five District is still looking for women to be leaders. If you are interested in making new friends, being a role model and having lots of fun, please contact Pat, [email protected]. No experience is necessary, training is provided, and no daughter is required.