I’m Voting for Kids! (Part 2)


Following up our fast facts about School Readiness from last month, we’re taking this month to highlight how investing in early childhood development impacts the economy. Use this information to start a conversation with candidates and representatives you encounter to help figure out where the best checkbox for your vote is!

Did You Know?

  • A 1% increase of the high school completion rate in Canada would save $7.7B annually in social assistance, costs of crime and lost earnings
  • For every dollar spent in early education, there is between a $2 and $7 return on investment
  • Greater skills development in early childhood makes it more likely that children will succeed in education; raising employment prospects and reducing the duration of unemployment

Ask candidates and representatives what their parties’ plans are to invest in Early Childhood Development, and check out more facts (and their sources) at http://www.2000days.ca/an-integrated-approach-to-early-childhood-develpment/

The Calgary NW ECD Coalitions consist of three coalitions who have joined forces with parents, community members, organizations and professionals, who are all working together to better the lives of young children and their families. We are always looking for interested parties to join our coalitions.

If you are passionate about children and their future and would like more information about the Calgary NW ECD Coalitions, or if you have any questions, please email us at [email protected].