January News from the Catholic School District, Board of Trustees

Categories CCSD

https://www.cssd.ab.ca/BoardOfTrustees | [email protected]

Funding and Budget

Much has been discussed in the public recently with respect to funding, budgets and education. This is an important conversation. Did you know that your CCSD Board of Trustees is ultimately responsible for the oversight of a budget of just over $620M? Determining how to allocate these crucial public dollars to educate over 58,000 Calgary and area students is one of the most important roles fulfilled by your Board of Trustees. Budget planning for metro school jurisdictions such as CCSD is becoming increasingly complex, based on the continued increase of our diverse student population amongst other factors.

For us, the development of an annual budget, ultimately approved by the Board, is a continual process, rather than a once a year event. Our annual budget is the result of frequent conversation and consultation with stakeholders. School councils, our student advisory council, staff, and others provide invaluable input that allows us to make the best decisions on behalf of the students we serve.

This year, a change in provincial government, along with an austere economic climate in Alberta, have made this a challenging exercise. We understand the current economic challenges in our province and the government’s decision to reduce spending. In order to protect our classrooms as much as possible, a portion of our operating reserves were used to balance the budget, which will not be sustainable for the long-term. Additionally, as a result of an effort to preserve our staff and students, some service changes will be necessary.

In Spring 2020, we anticipate a new budget, and we are working now to plan for this. We have also been working with the provincial government, along with other provincial stakeholders, to introduce a new education funding framework. This new model of education funding allocation will serve to provide a blueprint for jurisdictions specific to education funding, allowing for a degree of certainty relative to planning and budgeting.

Your Board of Trustees will continue to advocate through our provincial government to help them gain a deeper understanding of our operating reality and ensure they are aware of our need for stable and sustainable funding moving forward.