February – Diane Colley-Urquhart’s Report


“Beet” Icy Roads This Winter

If you see brown on the roads this winter, don’t be alarmed—The City of Calgary is trialing beet juice mixed with salt brine as an anti-icing agent. Beet brine has an organic compound in it that reduces the corrosiveness in comparison to road salt. Beet brine has been tested in small amounts in Calgary before, but Central District Manager Jim Fraser says this year, “the beet juice uses the carbohydrate, or sugar, from beets mixed with brine, a salt/water mixture, to create something that will stick to the road when put down and break that bond of snow and ice to the surface.”

To facilitate the new trial, The City has acquired a new brine tank that can hold 40,000 litres of beet juice. Roads also now has a two-ton drip truck with plow to spray the brine. The beet juice/brine mixture has been used in provinces across Canada including British Columbia for highway maintenance. Fraser says it been proven to be very effective material for snow and ice control.

018 Property and Business Assessment Roll

Residential assessment values have experienced an average increase of two per cent from 2017 assessment values:

The 2018 median single residential assessment is $480,000 compared to $460,000 in 2017

The 2018 median residential condominium assessment is $260,000 compared to $270,000 in 2017

Non-residential values have decreased by approximately five per cent from 2017

The 2018 property assessments reflect the market value of properties on July 1, 2017, and the physical condition and characteristics of properties on December 31, 2017. The 2018 business assessments reflect the typical net annual rental value of business premises on July 1, 2017. Property and business owners should carefully review their assessment notice and if they have any questions, call The City at 403-268-2888. Changes to a 2018 assessment can only be made if an inquiry is received during the Customer Review Period that runs January 4 to March 12, 2018.

Calgary Recreation’s Spring & Summer Recreation Program Guide

Say goodbye to winter with The City of Calgary’s Spring & Summer Recreation Program Guide, on-stands February 21. The City of Calgary offers hundreds of fun and affordable recreational opportunities to get you and your family more active, more often this spring and summer. Registered programs include sailing, golf, dance, swimming, summer day camps and more! With dozens of facilities located throughout the city, there are many convenient locations for you and your family to take part in a variety of activities. Registration opens February 26! For more information, visit Calgary.ca/recreation.