SCA’s October President’s Message

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by Maureen Smith, SCA President

It is early September as I write this message, and everyone is holding their breath a little, waiting to see how ‘back to school’ plays out. I hope that COVID steps back and allows children to go to school safely, that as we move into fall the ‘second wave’ does not materialize, and life settles into a new normal. I don’t mind wearing a mask in public spaces, a drop or two of essential oil inside the mask makes it much easier to endure. I have been paying attention to how emotion is expressed by people’s eyes, how hand gestures often stand in for a greeting or thank you; people are adapting and even though we are masked, we stay connected.

The SCA has two events planned for September: our Membership Drive, including paper shredding and a bottle drive, and the SCA AGM, our first ‘in person’ board meeting since February. I will update you about these events in my next message; they will be representative of the SCA easing back into business. Even though our tenants are slowly coming back to the building, ensuring the safety of each cohort group, and abiding by all the COVID protocols, the front doors remain locked. We need to control access to the building and currently, unless you are registered in a program or have an appointment, the public will not have access to the SCA building.

Check out the SCA website, There is information there regarding changes to transit schedules (note – some of the routes in our community will be ‘On Demand’) and there is a survey regarding accessibility and placement of garbage cans. Community news and information about SCA programming, both online and in person classes for all ages, are also available on the SCA website. Check it out – SCA Communications Manager, Cathy Duke, strives to keep our website current and informative.

Fall is the season where we begin to put our gardens to bed, harvesting late vegetables, and marvelling at the last flowers. I have spent a lot of time in my garden this spring, summer, and now fall. It has been my place of comfort, away from all the worry about COVID, the economy, and safety of friends and family. Find a place of comfort for yourself; a walk in a park, a quiet corner in a library or bundle up and enjoy a glass of wine in your own back yard – that’s where you will find me.