Marda Loop’s March Community News – Indulge

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MLCA Indulge

Indulge – Pandemic-Style

The realities of the pandemic can’t keep a great community down. Case in point: When we can’t gather for Indulge, we bring the event right to you.

The Marda Loop Communities Association’s (MLCA) annual Indulge event brings together neighbours and friends, showcases local businesses and services, and introduces the community’s delightful uniqueness to those less familiar. It’s also the key fundraising event for the MLCA. “Many people were disappointed when Indulge 2020 was cancelled,” says Jolene Sheldon, MLCA board member and Indulge chair. “It’s more important than ever to support and celebrate our community and the spirit of Indulge is alive and well in a new format – the Indulge in Marda Loop Small Business Care Box.”

Indulge in Marda Loop Small Business Care Box

As in past years, Indulge is partnering with local businesses to highlight some of the best our neighbourhood has to offer. Starting in early March, Indulge will come to you by way of an assortment of amazing products from local vendors, including:

  • 8Cakes
  • Chica Beauti Bar
  • DYP Refillery
  • Forage Foods
  • Marda Loop Brewing Company
  • Master Chocolat, and
  • Phil & Sebastian

An additional $150+ worth of coupons and gift certificates from local favourites will provide you with more opportunities to indulge, including:

  • Blush Lane Organic Market
  • Chica Beauti Bar
  • Original Joe’s
  • Pubblico Italian Kitchen
  • Rumble Boxing Studio, and
  • The Trop

The MLCA could not be prouder to support each of these businesses; we are grateful for their generous support in bringing Indulge to life.

Where’s the Wine?

The popular Indulge wine raffle returns this year, with prizes valued at more than $1,000. Raffle tickets will be available as an add-on item when purchasing an Indulge in Marda Loop Small Business Care Box.

What You’re Supporting

Indulge is your community association’s largest annual fundraiser and key to our continued operations. Proceeds help the MLCA offer year-round programs, events, and amenities. Here are some examples of how your support of Indulge has impacted the community in the past:

  • Supporting our ice rinks and maintenance, including new light fixtures and machine upkeep
  • Refurbishing the tennis courts and adding pickleball lines and equipment
  • Updating the beach volleyball courts to allow for an optimal playing space
  • Equipment and supplies for various MLCA programs, including fitness and yoga classes, soccer and hockey gear for the Peanuts programs, etc., and
  • Hall renovations, improvements, and upkeep to provide a safe and enjoyable space for the community.

About Our Sponsors

Sponsors have always been critical to the success of Indulge. This year’s sponsors, William Blake Homes and The Tanya Eklund Group, made it possible to bring the party to you. We are ever grateful for their support!

Get Yours!

Boxes and wine raffle tickets can be purchased starting early March on the MLCA website or through the MLCA Facebook or Instagram pages. Boxes are $110 + GST, and wine raffle tickets can be added to your purchase for $20 per ticket.