Girl Guides Still Going Strong! – Sarcee Hills District – March

Categories Girl Guides

Girl Guides continues to be an active organization in our community despite the pandemic. We won’t let it stop us! It’s true that our current programs are running virtually (and partially outdoors) in accordance with National and Provincial rules, but that has not fazed our intrepid Guiders! In our Sarcee Hills District, we have an amazing group of 70 dedicated volunteer women Guiders who continue to run fantastic, fulfilling, and fun programs for local girls. Hats off to them all!

Our Sarcee Hills District (including all communities west of Sarcee Trail) is one of the largest Girl Guide Districts in Calgary, with more than 300 girls. We are passionate about what we do and plan to continue working hard to provide great Guiding on the hill!

Where we have been challenged this year has been ongoing costs and lower revenue – like many others. You may have noticed our traditional Fall cookie-selling campaign was greatly reduced (sadly), due to pandemic restrictions. Cookie selling provides the majority of our revenue to support programming for the girls.

If you use Skip the Depot for your bottle recycling pick-up, please consider allocating the donation to “Sarcee Hills Girl Guides” – we would really appreciate it!

Best wishes to all for good health,

Sarcee Hills District Girl Guides