Oakridge Civil Affairs for August


Civic Affairs and Planning Activities Impacting Oakridge

District 32 and Guidebook

We participated in District 32 meeting #14 on June 8. Focus has been on the Guidebook and on how CAs in District 32 can influence future plans and developments in our communal area. (e.g., Glenmore Landing, Co-op, connections to Taza Development, and others). Discussed communications from Community Associations and Residents to the City of Calgary and council members. Importance of being data based versus individual opinion based. Community Surveys are a means of achieving this. Looking ahead, supported proceeding with an improved Guide implementation but emphasized that District 32 communities will be impacted by the Taza Development to the west of our communities. This may have a more immediate and significant impact than our LAP. However, for permits applied for in Oakridge, look at https://developmentmap.calgary.ca/.

Regarding LAP, The North Hill Communities Local Area Plan (NHCLAP) is a pilot multi-community planning document intended to facilitate growth and change in the nine assigned communities. The NHCLAP is the first of many Local Area Plans (LAP) that the City plans to roll out and will be a template for all LAPs that follow. The NHCLAP will impact future zoning in communities. Visit the City of Calgary website if you have further interest.

Current limitations on development governing height, lot coverage, number of units, etc. will be replaced with higher density guidelines. A revised version of the NHCLAP was released on June 2, 2021, with unapproved policies cut and pasted from the Guidebook for Great Communities, now renamed the Guide for Local Area Planning (the Guide).

District 32 will move to a quarterly meeting, as although not urgent, there is a benefit to continuing to share planning concerns. We also agreed to meet if any new urgent topic(s) arose.

In South Glenmore Park, the Bicycle Pump Track is now open again after Parks Foundation completed their improvements. The Weaselhead Society continues to propose a Nocturnal Reserve to limit light pollution and its impact on wildlife, which the OCA supports.

Oakridge Co-op continues their construction as planned for the new two storey tenant building north of Boston Pizza and the parking lot upgrades. Details of the design and construction plans, and a model, are available in the Co-op grocery store. Many residents have been impacted via the parking and roadway construction.

We encourage local residents to communicate their comments and concerns by calling 311 or contacting https://www.calgary.ca/cfod/csc/311.html, while keeping the OCA informed, especially on traffic volume and noise. Regarding speeding, please contact Calgary Police Service (CPS) at https://www.calgary.ca/cps/traffic/traffic-service-requests.html.

By keeping us informed, (we were advised of CPS report T21000985 and 311 report ref # T21000923), we can try and address your concerns from an OCA perspective. Keep up the communications and documenting of concerns – many thanks!