Water Your Trees, Shrubs, and Flowers with a Rain Barrel


Did you know, watering your yard can account for 30 to 40 percent of your annual water use? With changing weather patterns in Calgary, capturing rainwater can help you and our community build resiliency during times of hot and dry weather. Rain barrels also help to keep water on your property, so less dirt and contaminants wash into the rivers.

How do I choose a rain barrel? Look for a sealed barrel equipped with:

  • An overflow mechanism, such as a diverter, for use with your existing downspout.
  • An additional outlet and hose to redirect water to plants or trees from the barrel once it’s full.
  • A drain or tap near the bottom to fill a watering can.

Setting up your rain barrel:

Locate the downspout most convenient for barrel placement. If your rain barrel didn’t come with its own stand, set it on some concrete blocks or flagstones for extra stability. Carefully read the installation instructions that come with your rain barrel and refer to the barrel manufacturer or retailer for support. You can use one barrel or set up a network of multiple barrels to increase your savings.

Join the thousands of Calgarians already using rain barrels. Visit calgary.ca/yardsmart.