SCA’s President’s Message for February

Strathcona cn

February: the month we celebrate love! You may think Valentine’s Day is a marketing ploy by Hallmark, but February 14 is celebrated across almost all nations. Although the legend of Valentine’s Day is still a mystery, the most well-known story comes from ancient Rome. In the beginning, there was a priest named Valentinus who lived in Rome during the third century. During this era, the emperor Claudius II introduced laws that forbade marriage. Despite this absurd prohibition, the priest secretly held a wedding ceremony for a young couple. Valentinus was subsequently found out and executed. There are several other legends and stories surrounding Valentine’s Day, but most depict love conquering all. Valentine’s Day is a time to focus on the people we love and make gestures to declare that love. However, you might recognize Valentine’s Day – take a moment to celebrate the people you love.

February also brings us Family Day and another opportunity to spend time with those closest to us. I hope to host another skating party at the SCA on Family Day (we had beautiful weather for the Christmas Day Skate, my favourite SCA event!). As long as the ice holds and the weather cooperates, I will be in the basement of the SCA offering up cookies and hot chocolate and I will also be collecting for a local pet rescue: laundered old towels, blankets, pet beds, and unopened pet food and treats. This can be a jump start to your spring cleaning and help save abandoned and neglected animals. I want to take this opportunity to thank our dedicated group of rink volunteers who maintain both ice surfaces, shovelling and flooding in all kinds of weather! This group of volunteers happily welcomes new members – so, if you have a few hours to spare for your community, please contact the SCA office at [email protected] and you will be added to the group, receiving notice when help is needed.

Sadly, the SCA office was broken into again. The thieves got away with a small amount of cash and the office laptop that we use to record our financial information; luckily, we have most of the information backed up and the computer is password protected. It angers me that thieves would target the SCA but what is truly despicable is that the thieves took gifts that the SCA was collecting for Discover House, an organization that gives shelter to women and children suffering from domestic violence. The thieves stole from the most vulnerable and that is truly reprehensible. We do have security footage that we have provided it to the police and are currently considering posting on Facebook. I can’t imagine the thieves read this message but in the off chance they do – shame on you!

On the same note, the communities of Strathcona, Christie, and Aspen are still looking for volunteer administrators for the Neighbourhood Watch Program. An overview of responsibilities include:

  • Liaison with District 2 Community Resource Officer to monitor CPS resources available, and voice any current crime/safety concerns.
  • Communicate monthly crime statistics to neighbours via email and Facebook page.
  • Monitor email and Facebook page for crime reports/concerns from neighbours.

Please email [email protected] if you are interested in finding out more about this position. Robust community vigilance discourages crime!

If you turn a few pages of this issue of the Gazette, you will find the SCA’s 2023 schedule, upcoming events, and a comprehensive listing of all the programs available at the SCA. I encourage you to take a look; you just might find something that will make the winter months a little brighter!

Maureen Smith – SCA President