Evergreen Notes for March 2023

Evergreen cn

Happy Spring!

SECA has an exciting list of projects on the go. Some are just forming, and we’re not ready to announce them yet, but they will be impactful to the entire community if we can pull them off. Stay tuned!

Planning for our Stampede Festival, co-hosted with our friends at South Gate Alliance Church, is in full swing. We made many new connections and learned a lot last year. This year’s event promises to be even better. If you’d like to get involved in the planning process or on event day, please email us. Plan to attend on June 24. Bring your friends and family members.

Use the QR codes to learn more about our free monthly children’s programming. Registration is required for Art in the Park and for Families in Nature. Please drop in (no registration required) for the Adventure Play, a loose parts play opportunity in the community. Families from all over the southwest are attending and we’d love to see more SECA families giving these monthly programs a try.

Mark Your Calendars for These Events:

• Stampede Festival – Saturday, June 24 from 9:00 am to noon

• Community Cleanup – Saturday, September 16 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

• Fundraising Casino – September 24 and 25 – Volunteers needed!

We have received several requests for 55+ programming. SECA is keen to support this idea and we have casino funds for these programs. With a volunteer or two to assist with coordination, we could make it happen.

Our monthly winter Community Campfires were well attended. Would you like to see more of these through the spring, summer, and/or fall? Please email us to let us know. And if you’d like to help coordinate an event, we could use your help so that our core team can focus on other work. It is easy to use our detailed event plan and we’ll help too!

Several families have expressed concern over speeding in our community and along Fish Creek Blvd where children cross to attend Evergreen School. Remember that the speed limit in neighbourhoods is 40km unless otherwise posted. For example, 50 km/hr is the limit on collector roads. Please be aware of crosswalks and the 30 km/hr zones around schools and playgrounds.

It’s time for spring cleaning! Please do your bit to keep our community looking its best. Take a bag with you on your walks to pick up garbage that may be exposed as the snow melts. Also, note that homeowners are responsible to keep both sides of fencing in good repair. This includes the side that faces busier roadways like James McKevitt Rd SW.

We can serve you best when we are connected!

• Email [email protected]

• Receive our electronic newsletters by emailing [email protected]

• Like our Facebook page @ShawneeEvergreenYYC. (IG coming soon)

• Become a SECA member for just $20 (valid for 12 months) at shawnee-evergreen.ca

SECA is building a neighbourly community where residents feel a sense of belonging and community pride. Join us in this valuable work!

Lynn Jobe

SECA President