Woodcreek Executive Message – April

Woodcreek cn

Hello! Spring might be here as you read this, but it’s still cold and snowy as I write. We are planning to put on some of our traditional events, such as the Easter Egg hunt on April 1, Community Cleanup in partnership with the City of Calgary on May 13, and a June volunteer appreciation evening. New this month is Family Bingo on April 23 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. We will have prizes and a concession. The next Good Food Box order deadline is April 24 at 4:00 pm. As always, if you’re willing to volunteer, or have ideas to suggest, please contact our office.

Our hall rentals have many of our long-standing tenants returning, and some new ones. Jazzercise will be at the hall in July and August. Check out the Chronicle to see if any programs might be right for you.

WCA Racquet Memberships go on sale this month. Buy one by April 30 for the early-bird rate.

Two major construction projects are happening in Woodcreek: the redevelopment of the old Husky site, and the Fish Creek West Sanitary Trunk line across the north side of our community. Current information on the sanitary trunk project can be found on the project website: https://www.calgary.ca/planning/water/fish-creek-west-sanitary-trunk.html. Please drive with care near these and mind your children; some of the hazards associated with such construction sites are not obvious.

You may have noticed some work being done on our office during mid-March. We are installing new security cameras and an access system that will let us retire the old metal master keys. Staff and tenants will receive training on the new system.

We are also looking to upgrade our community pantry to operate year-round and adding two more satellite pantries operating closer to where a need has been identified.

Keith Cartmell
