Living on Springbank Hill – Meet the Taylors!


by Shelly Smith and Rosanna Taylor

The Taylor family is being featured in our first edition of ‘Living on Springbank Hill.’ Thank you, Rosanna, for the great interview!

Eric and Rosanna moved into a home in Springborough in 2011. One reason that they chose Springborough (on Springbank Hill) is the proximity to the CTrain that was soon to be built for their commute to work. Also, Rosanna has a Masters in kinesiology from California Polytechnic State University. Her thesis was on ‘Active Transportation to School,’ through which she saw the great benefits of living so close to the soon-to-be-built Griffith Woods School. The proximity to the mountains was also a big bonus.

The Taylor family, which now includes three beautiful boys, love the outdoors. Rosanna and her boys have ‘woods time’ before school by walking through Springbank Community Park, even before it was officially a park. They all love hiking in Kananaskis, camping, and building bonfires to enjoy family time around. The Taylor family are members of the Junior Forest Wardens Sarcee Club, which provides their family with some tremendous outdoor opportunities.

The Taylors love Griffith Woods School, including the teachers and programming. The oldest son is very proud that he was part of the first group of students to attend the school when it opened, which is a very cool bragging right!

If Rosanna isn’t busy enough with three boys, she also has her own business. She teaches private and group fitness sessions, pre/postnatal exercise, and dynamic aging.

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