Springbank Hill’s President’s Message – June 2023


Greetings to residents of the Springbank Hill community.

At this time of year, our SBHCA board of directors review and update plans for our 3-year capital spending plan. As most of the funds are provided through our sponsorship of AGLC casinos, we are also required to get the approval from the province prior to spending any of these ‘restricted’ funds.

The following is an update of the current SBHCA capital spending plan. The status on planned projects is as follows:

Playground Structure Addition at Springbank Hill Community Park: The City of Calgary recommended against proceeding on this project as there is playground infrastructure across the street and the proposed playground could not be placed over the waterline that leads from the street to our new Community Garden. We are instead looking at the creation of a Truth and Reconciliation hill at the park that will honour First Nations people that live in Calgary and the surrounding area.

Water Feature Repair at Springbank Gate Park: We have unsuccessfully tried three times to obtain a grant to repair the waterfall from the Government of Alberta. The Government of Alberta declined all our applications and has identified that this is a City of Calgary responsibility. We have spoken to the City of Calgary on a number of occasions and have asked our Ward 6 Councillor, Richard Pootman, to engage the appropriate City staff on this project.

Montreux Rink Upgrades: Our Montreux Rink enhancements have been delayed as the new Letter of Occupancy agreement with the City of Calgary is not yet in place. We will not be able to build a permanent structure on the land as a school will be built on this land hopefully in the not-too-distant future. We are looking at portable options for a building and other enhancements. In the interim, we are continuing with plans to do some further grading and landscaping work this year. We also added some items, including a picnic table and bench.

Springbank Hill Rink Upgrades: Several upgrades have been completed, including grading and re-seeding as well as the addition of small boards and a rink liner to contain water, and the addition of picnic tables and benches.

The SBHCA board of directors will be updating this SBHCA capital spending plan over the next month. This will involve the identification of potential new projects. The updated plan will be shared with you later this summer and we would appreciate any feedback you may have as well as ideas for other future projects.

We wish you all the best for the 2023 summer season!

Elio Cozzi

President – Springbank Hill Community Association

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