Rosemont’s President’s Message for January

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Howdy Rosemontians!

The Quick Rundown:

1. Family Movie Night

2. Rezoning Open House

3. Shinny

4. Safety

I hope everyone had a wonderful time this holiday season, spending time with family and friends.

We are hosting a free Family Movie Night on January 13 at 6:30 pm so come on down for a nice winter evening (everyone is welcome). The movie is still TBD so check the website. Bring your pillows and blankets to sit or lie on the ground in the hall. Wear PJs if you want. Popcorn, juice, and water will be provided, as well as bevvies for the parents.

As we mentioned in the AGM, there has been a lot of misinformation and discussion around the proposed zoning and parking bylaw changes that will be discussed in council in 2024. At the time of this writing, we haven’t yet seen the official policies to be approved by council. But we want to ensure that residents have accurate information and a conduit to our elected officials. Assuming that final details are released before then, we will be hosting an Open House on the evening of January 24 to provide information as well as an appearance by Councillor Chu. Specifics of the event will be posted on the website and in email blasts. If the final bylaws have not been released by this time, we will postpone the event until information is available.

Shinny is back! Starting January 9 on Tuesday nights from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. Once again, it will run until mid-March, or until the ice goes. All participants aged six to twelve can join. The kids require hockey skates, skate guards, a hockey helmet, and face mask and optionally knee and elbow pads. It costs $30 and requires a community membership either from Rosemont or another community (Rosemont residents get a free community membership by going to To register, please contact Jean Blackstock at 403-305-9447 or [email protected]. If you have a child that would like to participate but are unable due to financial limitations, please email us at [email protected].

There have been a few incidents involving Calgary Police around the community the last few months. Whenever these events take place, we try to get any information from CPS and share with the community. Unfortunately, they typically are not able to provide much detail and have asked us not to send emails to community residents as events are unfolding. We know that everyone wants to keep the community as safe as possible but unfortunately, Rosemont CA can’t perform that role all the time. Informal networks can share information much quicker, so we recommend getting to know your neighbours and share information as much as possible. Some residents also find and share information on the NextDoor app so check it out online to see if it works for you (Rosemont CA is not affiliated with NextDoor).

The Ice Guys worked their buns off in December after the super late start to the skating season. If you want to volunteer to help make the best outdoor ice in the city, shoot us an email and we’ll put you in contact with Captain Kurt.

Many programs are starting up again in the new year, including our friends who rent space at our hall, such as LDK Foundation Karate and Common Digs. Please visit for more info.

I hope you have a great start to the new year!

As always, keep looking after family, friends, neighbours, and yourselves.


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