Mount Pleasant: Pleasant Times Social Club January Update


Pleasant Times Social Club – For Adults of All Ages

People ask me what I’d most appreciate getting for my eighty-seventh birthday. I tell them a paternity suit – George Burns

Adults of all ages are welcome to participate in our activities, except the monthly lunches which are open to those aged 60 and over. All you need is an MPCA membership! Most events are held during the day, Monday to Friday, with the odd exception, but if something piques your interest and you’re available, please contact us for more information.

Donations: Our lunches and other activities are supported by donations our volunteers source from many different companies and people. The Costco at 2853 32 St. NE has given us $1,000 this year for our lunches and other activities; the City of Calgary paid $200 toward the cost of our pizza in July; Steve Zacher has helped cover the cost of our day trips for many years; Paramount 24 Hr Animal Hospital makes a generous donation monthly; and, not least, members of our group have made significant individual donations. And many more of our group donate their time and energy to make our lunches and other activities happen. So many people to thank for giving us the opportunity to get out, socialize, be active, and see places and things we might otherwise miss.

Monthly Lunches: Our seniors’ lunches are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month (except December) at 11:30 am, usually in the Upper Hall. Lunches are open to all MPCA members aged 60 and over who have registered to attend in advance. An RSVP is required to allow us to order the correct amount of food. We usually have something happening after lunch – a speaker, movie, games, or live entertainment. Many thanks to MPCA for making our lunches possible. We ask that you donate $5 or whatever you can to help support the cost.

At time of writing, we’re looking forward to our special Christmas lunch: a full turkey dinner, catered by Calypso’s GreekTaverna, entertainment by community treasure, Serge Soucy, and dancing. Serge will bring his baby grand to sing and play Christmas and other of our favourite songs. He always gets us up dancing and bopping along with him.

If you are age 60 or over, or if you know of someone like this, please get in touch with Linda at 403-289-8390 or [email protected] to be added to our lunch invitation list.

Exercise Class: Our January to April exercise session is up and running, a fun way to shed any extra pounds earned during the holidays. People of all ages and fitness levels are welcome to join, whether you want a low, moderate, or high intensity work out. The classes are designed to improve aerobic fitness, balance, strength, and flexibility – how energetic you are is up to you. Options are given to accommodate all fitness levels and any physical concerns participants have. You can sign up for one or more classes per week or come on a drop-in basis. The cost is only $7 per class when you sign up for the remaining classes in the session or $12 per class drop-in.

Many participants have opted to join the class via Zoom at home, but we do offer classes at the community hall as well on Mondays and Wednesdays (except on lunch days), with the instructor in attendance. Classes are held on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 10:15 to 11:00 am and Fridays from 9:30 to 10:15 am. Contact Linda at or 403-289-8390 for more information. You can try out a free class to see if this is for you.

Tai-Chi: Tai-Chi also re-started in January. Classes are scheduled twice weekly on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 9:00 until 10:00 am in the Upper Hall. Monday classes will focus on beginners though all, regardless of age and experience, are welcome both days. Tai-Chi is a great way to improve your balance, flexibility, memory, and concentration. Sign up for one or both classes each week or come on a drop-in basis. The cost is based on the number of people who enrol.

Day Trips: We were very excited that Lake Louise will be welcoming world-class ice carvers back to compete for the first time since 2020 but now very disappointed that entry is restricted to a few weekend evenings. We are working with Banff and Lake Louise Tourism to find an option that works for our seniors’ group. Banff Snow Days, with snow sculptures throughout the downtown happens at the same time. We’re hoping to get an early start to Lake Louise to tour the ice sculptures for an hour or so then head to Banff for lunch (buy your own or bring one) and a walk-about to view the snow sculptures or shop before heading home. It’s hoped our negotiations will have been settled early in December.

Day trips sell out quickly, often before the Pulse is delivered. If you’d like to receive email notification of upcoming trips or have ideas for where to go next, contact Linda at [email protected] or 403-289-8390. People of all ages are welcome to join us.

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