The MPCA Green Initiatives Committee’s Message for January


Pedalling Towards Sustainability: Amsterdam’s Biking Infrastructure as a Model for Calgary

Welcome to a new year, Mount Pleasant! The Green Initiatives Committee is looking forward to bringing another year of sustainable stories and ideas to the community. For 2024, we would like to take you on a virtual tour around the world! As we travel around the globe, we will take a look at other communities to get inspiration on initiatives we can bring to our own Mount Pleasant.

Pack your bags and travel with us to our first stop…Amsterdam!

Amsterdam, a city renowned for its progressive urban planning and robust biking infrastructure, offers valuable lessons for our pursuit of green living. In this article, we will explore how Amsterdam’s biking culture has become an integral part of its identity and suggest ways in which we can bring this closer to home.

Often referred to as the “Bike Capital of the World,” Amsterdam boasts an impressive cycling culture deeply embedded in its urban planning. As a result of deliberate policy choices, Amsterdam saw a shift from being a car-dependent city in the 1970s to now seeing a staggering 60% of all trips within the city made on bicycles. Of course, the city’s flat terrain, mild climate and extensive network of dedicated bike lanes contribute to the ease and popularity of cycling.

In Amsterdam, there are more bicycles than residents! This high level of bike ownership reflects the widespread reliance on cycling as a primary mode of transportation. Amsterdam also has an extensive network of over 400 kilometres of dedicated bike lanes, providing cyclists with safe and efficient routes throughout the city. These lanes are often physically separated from vehicular traffic, enhancing safety for cyclists. The city provides ample cycling facilities, including secure bike parking spaces, guarded bike storage, and bike repair stations. These amenities contribute to the convenience and accessibility of cycling, encouraging more residents to choose bikes for their daily commute.

There are a few lessons we can bring home from Amsterdam:

• Allocating resources to the construction and maintenance of a comprehensive network of dedicated bike lanes is crucial. These lanes should be strategically designed to connect residential areas with business districts and popular destinations.

• Expanding Calgary’s bike-sharing programs that we currently have to make biking more accessible to Calgarians. Well-placed bike-sharing stations near transit hubs and key locations can encourage the seamless integration of cycling into daily routines.

• Launch extensive education and awareness campaigns that highlight the environmental, health, and economic benefits of cycling.

• Enhancing existing infrastructure to accommodate cyclists is essential. Installing bike racks, secure storage facilities, and amenities such as repair stations can contribute to a more bike-friendly environment. We are happy to report that there are a few bike repair stations in our area and beyond, like at the U of C campus and this one pictured below in Canmore.

• Encouraging businesses to support biking initiatives by providing incentives for employees who choose to commute by bike can further promote sustainable transportation.

Amsterdam’s biking success is not just a product of its infrastructure but also a reflection of a cultural shift towards sustainable living. As we continue to look for ways to become a greener community, we have the potential to learn from and adapt Amsterdam’s model in a way that will suit Calgary’s climate and city structure.

If you want to get involved and be a part of making Mount Pleasant a greener community, we would love to have you join the committee. Please email [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions. As well, please check out our Mount Pleasant Green Initiatives Group on Facebook! You can find us on the Mount Pleasant Community Association page. The Facebook group is a great place to share knowledge and resources and check in to see what others are saying.

Happy New Year,

The MPCA Green Initiatives Committee

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