Edgemont’s President’s Message for January

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During the holiday season I usually do some extra baking and this year I was digging around on my bookshelf for cookbooks that I hadn’t pulled out in a while. I suppose I was looking for some inspiration as well as recipes the family loves but had been forgotten. I pulled out a book called A Salute to Our Seniors Treasured Recipes. Published in the mid-70s, this little book has quite a story. It was conceived as a fundraiser with all proceeds going to outfit a Senior Citizens’ High Rise in Swift Current, Sk. A ladies’ benevolent organization put together the project plan and sought approval from their national umbrella organization. The approval was denied!

Cookbooks, although great money generators at the time, were off limits even though the entire project was funded through advertising and the labour was all volunteer. Are you giving your head a scratch? Since I have the cookbook, you know that despite some obstacles, the project went ahead. Somehow, the rules that didn’t seem to make any sense were set aside. But how? That national organization was adamant. No cookbooks! The same ladies formed a new organization with the sole purpose of publishing the cookbook with the same seniors’ high rise as the recipient of the funds. It was a roaring success, and the new organization was dissolved as soon as the goal was reached.

I received the book as a gift from my mom and many of her recipes are published in it. What the whole effort taught me was if the goal is clear and several people are willing to work towards it, then a way will be found to achieve it. However, it also taught me that when the “rules” don’t make sense, there can be a way around them!

ECA’s Program Committee has put plans in place for two upcoming events that I want to mention. The first is Frost Fest. Mark your calendars for February 19 and plan to join residents for outdoor fun and skating at Edgemont’s skating rink in John Laurie Park. Watch our website and social media for further information and consider enjoying a hot chocolate with your friends (old and new). Of course, this event will be contingent on weather. This is a free event, but your registration would be appreciated so we can estimate how many supplies we will need. Visit https://www.edgemont.ab.ca/events/frost-fest-2024/.

Note that we clean and flood the ice rink at 8:00 am Saturdays and Sundays and can always use help, especially after a big snowstorm, email [email protected] if you want to help.

Next up is Lego Mania on March 9, 12;00 to 3:00 pm at the Edgemont Community Centre. Construct amazing LEGO creations and compete in your age category (0-99+) for a chance to win amazing prizes – donations from Brick Bin, Calaway Park, Flying Squirrel, The Hangar Flight Museum, and many more! Enjoy live-builds on the day of the event, LEGO judges, a concession, LEGO vendors, and many more surprises to come. Last year we sold out so be sure to get your tickets as soon as possible to secure your spot! Categories: Things that go, Animals and figures, Scenes, and buildings. Registration: $8 per entry – https://edgemont.getcommunal.com/parent_programs.

I want to send a big “Thank You” to all the volunteers, donors, and sponsors that supported the Christmas Hamper Project this year. You put a smile on the faces of Edgemont families, and we appreciate everything you do.

I hope all Edgemont residents found joy in the holiday season and are ready to kick off 2024 with gusto. Now, back to the cookbook. There was a page of “wisdom” that I’d like to share before signing off this month. The authors advise people to take time and here are the ten actions they recommend. Take time to work, to think, to play, to read, to worship, to help and enjoy friends, to love, to dream, to laugh, and to plan.

2024 here we come!

Pamela Wilson


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