Citadel’s President’s Message for February


Here we are in February, and we’re really excited for the events we’re planning for the year. The CCA board and committees will be busy planning our quarterly seniors’ events, our kid’s Easter event, a new Beerfest event, the Parade of Garage Sales, Stampede, Movie in the Park, and much more. Please watch our website for more details:

We’ve had to change the date of our Seniors’ Fun and Games event. The new date will be Saturday, February 10, 2024. We hope you can join us.

The Citadel Community Association Hall is available to rent. If you are looking for a venue for a birthday, anniversary, or Christmas party, fill out the rental request form on the website at

We are still looking for dedicated people in Citadel to join the CCA board to look after the Volunteer Coordinator position and the Communications position. If you’re not interested in joining the board but still want to contribute to the community, you may consider joining one of our committees such as our Events Planning Committee or signing up to work at our casino fundraising event on March 21 and 22 at Pure Casino. Email [email protected] if you’re interested in helping out.

Thank you always for your support.

Stephanie Christensen

CCA President

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