Hawkwood’s President’s Message for February


Hello Hawkwood!

I hope everyone had a good start to 2024 last month and that you’re looking forward to what the rest of the year has in store for you.

This month, while we may still be in the midst of winter, there are a few dates in February that are certain to bring some warmth to all of us. Many of us will be spending time with loved ones on February 14 for Valentine’s Day, as it is a great day to express our gratitude to those who are important to us. The focus of this month’s message; however, is on another date aimed at brightening people’s days.

Random Acts of Kindness Day is observed worldwide on February 17, and encourages us to perform small, unexpected acts to spread positivity and build goodwill. I am sure we have all heard of or experienced the ripple effect that occurs when the person at the front of the Tim Horton’s drive-through pays for the order behind them. This “pay it forward” act tends to be repeated over and over again as recipients continue to share this experience and pay for the orders of those who follow.

On my walks around Hawkwood, I often observe random acts of kindness that bring a smile to my face. We have some talented artists in the community who display seasonal artwork on a fence next to Hawkwood’s dog park. Others paint rocks and hide them around the neighbourhood for others to discover. On big snow days, our neighbour uses his bobcat to clear the road on our block. Children in the community use their sidewalk chalk to leave nice messages for those who pass by. This past December, students from one of our community schools made door hangers and delivered them to homes around the community to spread good cheer.

The great thing about random acts of kindness is they need not be big to leave a lasting and positive effect. If you are interested in participating in Random Acts of Kindness Day around Hawkwood on February 17, here are some suggestions to get you started:

• Help a neighbour: shovel snow, arrange to walk a neighbour’s dog, or set up a child-minding exchange with other parents in the community.

• Give a compliment: many Hawkwood residents volunteer in service to our community and rarely receive recognition from the folks who benefit from their time. If you see someone volunteering, express your gratitude. You can also email me a note and I’ll gladly pass on your kind words.

• Sign up to volunteer: the HCA is in need of many volunteers throughout the year to provide community-building programs and events. Visit our website, join the Hawkwood Community Connections Facebook page, and watch our social media channels to stay up to date.

Please send me an email at [email protected] if you have any questions, comments, or want to learn more about the HCA.

In gratitude and kindness,

Michele del Valle

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