Board Bytes: Getting to Know Kathy Ervin, RCA President – Ranchlander Since 1988


Kathy has lived in Ranchlands for 35 years and has an extensive background in volunteering. A leader in many community organizations of various fields including sports, church, Toastmasters, and (formerly) Girl Guides, she has professional and volunteer experience with budgeting and financial reporting, as well as extensive administrative experience.

The Ranchlands Community Association President leads the way. As the President, Kathy will be at the forefront of community development. She will oversee all board activities, guide decision-making processes, and represent Ranchlands in liaising with government representatives and city departments. Ranchlands is very fortunate to have Kathy in this role as she will be able to apply extensive and well-honed leadership and communication skills as she leads change and builds on the community spirit of those who have gone before.

Kathy’s Rapid Round

Morning Brew: Coffee – every day! Love the smell of freshly brewing coffee.

Bookworm or Movie Buff: Bookworm – recently read Becoming Kin by Patsy Krawec – a very insightful book into Indigenous perspectives and the future.

Local Love: All the streets in Ranchlands are wonderful. I once mapped it out and if you walk on every street, crescent, cul-de-sac, etc., we have 33 km of roads to explore.

Pay it Forward: Sports! I have been coaching Special Olympics athletes for over 10 years – very fun and very rewarding.

Seasonal Bliss: Meteorological fall! September 1, it is like a new year opportunity – the air is crisp, and my favorite constellation, Orion is very visible.

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