Hidden Valley Placemakers

HiddenValley cn

When commuting in Hidden Valley, there are familiar landmarks and placemakers. Two significant assets that act as a welcome to our community are the rock feature at the 14 Street entrance and the horses on Hidden Valley Drive. Currently, these assets are under HVCA’s stewardship. HVCA has an agreement with the city which allows the association to maintain and do improvements. As well, HVCA insures these assets. It is through grassroot community effort that these features are well kept. In the past year, the shrubbery at the horses was cleared and the lights at 14 Street were reinstated.

Without a community association, these placemakers would not be maintained. It has been volunteers who painted the horses and the wooden structure on Hidden Valley Drive. In past years, the horses were vandalized a few times. It was HVCA that repaired them.

HVCA relies on funding either through community membership, grants, donations, or other fundraising initiatives. HVCA is volunteer run. Hidden Valley is not under an HOA (homeowners association). If HVCA ceases to exist, there would not be a voice to advocate for these features and they would no longer be maintained. The community would lose these welcome features. Please consider purchasing a membership to support the community association and our efforts to keep Hidden Valley a beautiful neighbourhood.

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