Proposed Budget Cuts to Pharmacists and Advocating for EMS

Calgary South East

Proposed Budget Cuts to Pharmacists

I have heard concerns from a number of pharmacists, and I want you to know that I take this issue seriously. I’ve often said that one of the keys to addressing the rising cost of healthcare in this province is to make sure we are listening to our qualified medical workers. Empowering frontline staff to exercise more discretion in treatment will help us keep people out of the emergency room when more economical options will serve just as well. I’ve been able to meet with several pharmacists to hear their concerns face-to-face, and have advocated for pharmacists twice in the Legislature, with questions to the Minister of Health.

I will continue to press on this issue and I feel that cuts to the pharmacist budget will affect patient outcome.

212th Interchange

The Government of Alberta, the City of Calgary, and Brookfield Residential are working together to build the interchange at Deerfoot Trail and 212 Avenue SE. An engineering consultant was hired in 2017 to finalize the design and prepare a tender package for the project. A contractor was also hired in 2017 to complete pre-grading work, and that work is expected to be completed soon.

Alberta Transportation advertised a tender for the construction work; the tender closed on April 11, 2018. The construction of the interchange is expected to start this spring and is anticipated to be completed in late summer 2019.

Advocating for EMS

We are pleased to hear of the recent increase to EMS funding put forward in the recent budget. The larger issue EMS is facing is making sure that emergency medical crews can hand over their patients in a timely manner in emergency departments. I believe that this will improve patient care, and dignity and reduce fatigue in EMS crews, bettering their mental health and allowing them to focus on the job they are intended to do- serving the community and delivering high quality patient care. We are very fortunate in this province to have such dedicated professionals.

As your MLA and Registered Advanced Care Paramedic I will continue to advocate for the best patient care and operating our health system with the utmost efficiency.

Events and Congratulations

  • Auburn Bay Community Association AGM
  • International Day of Pink
  • Toured RESET Calgary’s new facility (
  • New Brighton Community Association AGM
  • Official opening of Ron Southern School in Silverado
  • Canadian Federation of Humane Societies National Conference
  • Auburn Bay Residents Association and Community Association Clean Up