Fairview Message From The Vice President – October


Hi! First a quick introduction, my name is Regan, and I am currently First Vice-president on the board. I’ve lived in Fairview since 2006 and I joined the board several years ago because I love this community and wanted to get involved.

I hope everyone had a great summer break! Our board breaks over the summer and we are glad to be back into routine. By the time you read this in October, members of the board will have met with all of the stakeholders for the arena site in a city-led session that include several City of Calgary departments as well as Fairview Women’s Hockey Arena Society (FWHAS), Indefinite Arts, our Ward 9 Councillor, and representatives from the Mayor’s office.

As always, we have some great upcoming events planned and I hope to meet with many of you in person there! To borrow a message from our City Councillor, Gian-Carlo Carra, “It’s said that the number one reason people don’t volunteer is because they’re not asked”. So I’ll ask you; -Do you want to get involved? Let us know that you want to help ensure Fairview stays a great neighbourhood for decades to come by connecting with any board member or joining a committee or volunteering to help out at an event.

I look forward to working with everyone this upcoming year, growing on the hopes and ideas of our residents, but also being a part of our community’s continuing evolution.

Regan Klyn, First Vice-president