I Hope Everyone has had a Fun and Safe Summer

Calgary Hays

I hope everyone has had a fun and safe summer. I have had a busy summer attending functions in around the city and in the Calgary-Hays Constituency.

Hopefully by now the skies have cleared of all the smoke and we are back to breathing our fresh Alberta air again. By now all the kids are back in school, the leaves are changing colors and pumpkins are everywhere!

Trans Mountain Express Pipeline

As we are all witnessing, the TMX saga continues. You and I as taxpayers now own the pipeline. This fact, so far at least, has not garnered the “social license” required to keep those who would have Alberta remain a poor cousin in Canada from protesting against jobs, the economy, and a bright future for our kids. We know that every barrel of oil produced in Alberta—a province with equal rights and respect for the rule of law—is probably replaced by a barrel from a country that will not give women equality and in many cases holds its citizens and their rights in contempt while maintaining environmental standards well below those of Alberta. And now that the courts have quashed the Trudeau government’s paper approval, these protesters are more emboldened than ever. What will it take for both the Trudeau Liberals and the Alberta NDP to do what’s right for Albertans and get this pipeline built? You can rest assured that the United Conservatives will continue holding both these governments to account on this important issue.

Summer Activity

Over the summer, I have had many constituents in my office and have been around Calgary and Alberta at cultural events, community gatherings, and issue-based meetings. The people of Calgary-Hays are an engaged group. The issues I hear most about are jobs, the economy, and the fair delivery of government services.

Planning for the Future

We have been busy developing policies to put Alberta back on track and to plan for a future with hope and opportunity. We cannot do this without your advice, so I welcome your emails, phone calls, office visits and when you tap me on the shoulder out in public to let me know what is important to you. The election is now less than eight months away. Since we need to be announcing some of our policies before then, now is a great to time share your ideas on how to make Alberta better.

Keeping in Contact

My newsletter is written a few weeks ahead of publication, so for updated information, contact me or my assistants, Tannis Turner and Jeff Watson, at the Calgary-Hays Constituency Office. Call 403- 215-4380 or email [email protected].