Best Picks for [Active] Indoor Play!

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Winter hits hard in Calgary and there come days when we simply cannot go outside safely. When those days come, think Active Indoor Play! Active Play is any sort of physical movement that gets our children (babies too!) “huffing and puffing”. Activities like these increase our kids’ heart and breathing rates, which in the long run increase their energy and improve their physical health and well-being. Canadian physicians recommend a mix of adult-organized and free play activities, split between 2-3 hours a day for toddlers and preschoolers. Children should not be inactive for more than an hour at a time! It’s important to remember that Active Play does not require large spaces or huge chunks of time. Short bursts throughout the day (20 minutes) are just as effective (sometimes even more so) than one extended activity.

  • ANIMAL ALPHABET: Choose an animal for each letter and move like they do! Crunch like a Caterpillar, Dig like a Dingo… Keep active for the whole alphabet!
  • SCREEN SAVER: We know how hard it can be to limit screen time… but one of the main reasons why we try to stay away from it is because it keeps our kids stationary for too long. The solution? Re-enact what’s happening on the tube! Flip around with the little mermaid… stomp with the dinosaurs… race like Lightening McQueen.
  • TUMMY TIME: Babies need exercise too! Tummy Time can be tricky, but if you’re finding it difficult, try different kinds of tummy time; try putting your baby on YOUR tummy, so they can see your face and feel the rhythms of your breathing. Babies also love baby faces — put them on a mirror so they can see their own!

The Calgary NW ECD Coalitions consist of three coalitions who have joined forces with parents, community members, organizations and professionals, who are all working together to better the lives of young children and their families. We work hard to support five important developmental areas for children based on the Early Development Instrument (listed above). We are always looking for interested parties to join our coalitions.

If you are passionate about children and their future and would like more information about the Calgary NW ECD Coalitions, or if you have any questions, please email us at [email protected].