A Message from the Glamorgan Community Association

Glamorgan mb


We hope that you all are doing well and want you to know that we’re thinking of you.

We understand that not all of our members are on social media; however, at this time, Facebook is the quickest way to get information out to you. The Glamorgan Community Association Facebook page is updated with important information as well as some lighter content regularly. We would ask that if you have a friend or neighbour that is not on Facebook, you share anything you feel would be helpful to them.

As any new information becomes available to us from all level of government, we will be sure to share with all of you. We thank you all for being patient, kind and caring during this strange time and want to assure you that we are here. The phones are still being answered and email checked daily. If you need us, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Take care and we look forward to seeing you all again soon!

Glamorgan Community Association