Glad You Are My Neighbour

Triwood cn

Recently, following acts of prejudice within our community, a local resident decided to organize a special message for her neighbors. The Triwood Community Association is proud to support initiatives that promote inclusiveness and togetherness. Thank you, Katie, for stepping up to make all of our Triwood residents feel at home in their community! Please read Katie’s letter below and reach out to her if you feel inspired to support her message!

Hi there, neighbours!

Some of you may have noticed some signs being placed by neighbours on their lawns which state “No matter where you are from, we are happy you’re our neighbour” in multiple languages. And you might be wondering why these are popping up all of a sudden, and where they are coming from! To make a long story short, I have been informed that there have been several disgusting, shameful acts of discrimination upon several of our neighbours. I am very much tempted to go into detail about them, but I would rather focus on the light instead of the dark. After hearing about these senseless acts, I thought that these people (both the victims and the offenders) need to be shown that the vast majority of their neighbours not only do not share those thought processes, but that they do not accept them. So, we are putting up signs that show it!

So please, if you would like to participate in letting your neighbours know that you are proud to live in a part of this world where unfounded, hateful discrimination doesn’t fly, then please either contact me or the staff at Triwood Community Centre to request a sign for your lawn/window. I’m happy to get them, or, if you would like to get some yourself, then please feel free to contact the staff at “Welcome Your Neighbours” to request one (or several)! Also, please feel free to contact us to simply express your support for neighbours of all backgrounds, ages, sexual orientation, etc.

In the words of the great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

Katie Cooke

[email protected] |