November News from the Calgary Catholic School District, Board of Trustees

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Parental Engagement & School Council

At Calgary Catholic, we believe that the parental role in a child’s education is essential. We take pride in collaborating with our parents/guardians and encourage their participation in their local school community to whatever degree they choose. One way to get involved in your child’s school is through school council.

Did you know that all parents/guardians with children attending school are considered members of their local school council and are encouraged to participate in council activities? The opportunity to establish a school council is offered in all 116 of our Calgary Catholic schools. Councils usually meet on a monthly basis. School council chairs also meet with one another, district administrators and members of the Board of Trustees at district-wide meetings.

School councils have an advisory role to the principals, which is based on a collaborative approach between parents and school administration and results in a more vibrant and effective school community. School councils consist of parents and community members who work together with principals to support and enhance the culture and climate of a school that positively impacts student learning.

School councils:

  • Focus on what is best for all students
  • Develop, maintain and reflect school culture
  • Represent parental voice in the school community
  • Consider all stakeholder interests

In addition to holding meetings with school council chairs, the CCSD Board of Trustees facilitates annual Parent and Trustee Forums. For the 2019/2020 school year, the forums will take place on Tuesday evenings, from 7-9 p.m. at the Clarion Hotel & Conference Centre (2120 16 Avenue NE, Calgary, AB) on the following dates: November 26, 2019, January 21, 2020 and March 24, 2020. The forums will feature keynote speakers that focus on various topics that are of interest to parents/guardians. Past topics have included social networking safety, student mental health and how to use your voice to enact change in educational matters. Visit the website under Parents/School Council to learn more. Please speak to your child’s school principal to get involved in school council.