School’s Out – But We’re Still Building!

Calgary Klein

The Government of Alberta is modernizing or building over 200 schools across the province. This includes investments in St. Francis High School and James Fowler School here in Calgary-Klein. We are committed to investing in the services and supports necessary to build strong Alberta families and strong communities. New and renewed schools are foundational to the success of Alberta’s families and communities and to meeting the educational needs of our growing province.

We owe it to our kids to make sure they get an excellent education that prepares them for a great future. While some have called for reckless cuts to our classroom, this government is instead building badly needed schools across Alberta, modernizing existing schools, updating curriculum, and protecting classroom funding. Safe, caring, and inclusive classrooms ensure our students get the best education possible.

In 2016-17, our school nutrition program was piloted with 14 public and separate school authorities, funding more than 5,000 students in 33 schools with a daily nutritious meal. In 2017-18 this was expanded to 22,000 students, and in the 2018-19 school year the program is expected to provide daily meals to approximately 30,000 students. I am incredibly proud of this program because our children learn best with a balanced and nutritious diet.

While school winds down this month, remember that your government’s investment in education continues—equipping young Albertans with the skills, spaces, and support they need to ensure a bright future.

Tuxedo Park School and Possible Purchase by City of Calgary

I am pleased to announce some news regarding the Tuxedo Park School located at 28th Ave and 1st St NE. As you may know, the Tuxedo Park School has been left vacant for quite some time and has fallen into disrepair. The school has also been a site for squatting, trespassing, and dangerous activities like children skateboarding on the roof.

On April 29, 2015, the Calgary Board of Education (CBE) wrote to the Minister of Education, requesting approval to dispose of the Tuxedo Park School property. This request to dispose of the property was approved on July 23, 2015 by the then-Deputy Minister of Education.

Tuxedo Park Community Association contacted me on March 9th, requesting I look into the matter and find out what the CBE plans on doing with the site.

On April 13th, as your MLA, and in the interests of getting a resolution on this issue, I convened a meeting between the Tuxedo Park Community Association, Councillor Druh Farrell, CBE Trustee Lisa Davis, CBE Superintendent Dany Breton, as well as Michelle Jansen and Gord Denison from Calgary Police Services.

At this meeting, we were notified by Dany Breton that the City of Calgary would have first right of refusal to purchase the property. The city received this written notice shortly after our meeting was scheduled, near the end of March. As a result, the City has 90 days to review the property and make a decision, or ask for an extension. If the city decides not to purchase the property it would go to the market and any sale would need to be approved by the CBE Trustees.

We also spoke to the security risks of the site, discussing what changes the CBE could make in the interim to alleviate safety concerns. In the mean-time, if any residents witness any suspicious activity please contact the Calgary Police Service at the non-emergency number, 403-266-1234, or call 911 if immediate assistance is required.

With this property’s close proximity to a future Green Line LRT station, it has immense potential for future development. My office will continue to keep a close eye on the project as well as communicate with residents.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact my office at your convenience.

Craig Coolahan, MLA Calgary-Klein

403-216-5430, [email protected]