June at Brentwood Elementary School

Categories Schools

by Devina Sharma, Brentwood School Council Member

Just like that, we are in our final month of the school year! The staff and students of Brentwood School will be looking back fondly at all the learning achieved as well as great memories created during the 2017-2018 school year! Our last month of school will be busy with students wrapping up projects and enjoying end of the school year activities.

Our Grade 5 classes will be going on their annual canoe excursion the first week of June, while our Grade 4 students will be going bowling on June 1st. Our Grade 2 students will be visiting Fish Creek Park on June 12th and 13th, while our Kindergarten students will enjoy a field trip to the Calgary Zoo on June 21st.

We will be having our Sports Day as well as the last Fun Lunch of the year on June 8th. The Grade 5 Farewell Assembly will be on Friday, June 22nd. We will have our annual Talent Show on June 25th and June 26th. The last day of school will be on Wednesday, June 27th.

The last School Council meeting and AGM will be on Tuesday, June 12th at 7pm.

We wish everyone a very safe and happy summer! Classes will resume on Tuesday, September 4th for the 2018-2019 school year.

If you have any concerns or inquiries, please contact the school office at 403-777-6130 or visit our school website: www.schools.cbe.ab.ca/b204.