Emergency Preparedness Week Is May 5 to 11, 2024


Emergencies can happen anytime and anywhere. Knowing what to do before a disaster strikes can go a long way in assisting you, your family, and your community during an emergency.

Emergency Preparedness Week is May 5 to 11, 2024. This annual event takes place across Canada every May to highlight the importance of getting prepared for emergencies before they happen.

During Emergency Preparedness Week and throughout the year, Calgarians are encouraged to take steps to get prepared for emergencies to help minimize the impacts.

  • Know the risks. Learn about the types of hazards that can occur in Calgary and how you can better prepare for them.
  • Stay informed. Stay tuned to local and regional emergency alerts and other trusted sources of information such as local radio, television, and social media.
  • Get prepared. Every emergency is different, but having a plan will help you and your family know what to do and who to contact in different situations. Get started by downloading our emergency action plan, available in different languages at ca/getready.

In addition to preparing yourself and your household for emergencies, building connections within your community can also help. Neighbours, co-workers, and friends often provide crucial support during times of crisis. Creating a network that you can rely on during an emergency can help you and others in your network stay safe.

Visit calgary.ca/getready to learn more about how to prepare for emergencies, and the events taking place in the community during Emergency Preparedness Week.


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