Green Calgary Community Waste Explorations


Are you looking to be more eco-friendly this spring? Practicing sustainability should not be rocket science, and you can easily incorporate green actions starting from your home. Green Calgary is here to help! Join us for our free Community Waste Explorations Webinar to learn more about the ins and outs of waste, recycling, and organics in Calgary. Through our interactive program, you will learn more about:

  • What goes where for all of your waste carts
  • How you can lower your waste production
  • How to do an at home waste audit
  • Creating a unique action plan for your household
  • Planning how to track your progress
  • How to continue your plan into the future

You will receive tips and support from your Green Calgary educator and a free ‘Waste Journal’ to help you on your waste journey. This program is completely funded and offered at no cost. Maximum participants per session is 30 people. This program will be delivered through MS Teams, but Green Calgary is willing to facilitate through other platforms if necessary. This program is offer in non-ESL and ESL versions.

To register your community association for this program, or to inquire, please email Breanna at [email protected]!