News from the Friends of Nose Hill – March Update


Pat Ryan (1931-2022) served the City of Calgary as an Alderman from 1974-1980. He was elected in 1974 for Ward 1 and re-elected in 1977 for Ward 2. Members of Council and City Administration offered their condolences to the Ryan family. He was integral to securing land for Nose Hill Park because he ensured that the land was protected from developers for future generations of Calgarians to enjoy as a natural environment park within the city limits.

City of Calgary Parks Department Annual Reports list Alderman Ryan as the Chairman of the Parks/Recreation Board. The purpose of these reports was to record the status of achievements of the Department for ready reference in future years. Although needs and conditions might change, the basic concepts would not. One of the aims was to ensure that the environment will be protected, preserved, and enhanced for the enjoyment of all people. Another was to facilitate in any way possible the involvement of volunteers in parks and recreation services. A third was to conserve a system of natural areas throughout the city with special emphasis on those lands associated with rivers and water areas.

A much-needed new Planning Section was added as part of the Development Division of the Parks/Recreation Department. Its role included coordinating both long- and short-range parks/recreation planning and associated policies, which affected planning for the entire city. Two full time staff were employed as Parks Systems Planner and the Planning and Research Assistant, as well as two limited term Planning Assistants. Some of the projects scheduled for 1978 included initiating Master Plans for Nose Hill and Glenmore Parks, as well as development of a policy for environmentally sensitive areas.