My Friend Chatty


I want to tell you about my Chatty friend.

Her talents, care and generosity know no end.

Cook, bake, chauffeur, advice galore,

It’s wonderful when she shows up at your door.

Rummy, Speed, 21 and Sticks,

Up her sleeve exist several tricks.

Decorate, design, golf and paint,

Friend Chatty is very close to a saint.

She puts you first, stays helpful and calm

Shares her food, butter chicken, anyone?

Busy and popular, many activities each day,

Bridge, lunch or movie – what did you say?

She found some great boots one day at the mall.

You wear these, she recommends, you’ll never fall.

Granddaughters adore her, there’s lots to do

Gramma Chatty is good fun, works out every day too!

She’s not perfect, she says, but pretty darn close.

Humble and thoughtful, but not one to boast.

Always goes that extra mile

Her constant companion, that cute ready smile.

The restrictions have slowed the travel down.

No problem, a mohome will get rid of that frown.

Thank you, Chatty for all that you do.

A good friendship that often includes me in too.