The 2026 Winter Olympic Bid and Anderson Road Widening Project


2026 Winter Olympic Bid Update

There has been discussion on engaging Calgarians in the potential Winter Olympic bid process. At the Priorities and Finance Committee meeting on April 10th, Council approved moving forward with a Plebiscite. Citizens 18+ years of age and eligible to vote, will be the ones who decide whether or not we should bid on the Olympic Games. While plebiscites are not binding on Council, I will vote according to plebiscite results. In June 2018, Council will finalize details regarding timing, funding, and proposed wording of the plebiscite question(s).

On April 23rd, Council approved the Olympic Bid Proposed Public Engagement Strategy (visit to read the entire report). Information gained through the engagement process will inform Council and Administration of Calgarians’ top priorities and inform the Council’s decision on whether or not to proceed with submitting a bid.

The City’s next step is to release the Request for Proposal as we search for an independent third-party firm to execute the work outlined in the engagement approaches to be used.

I was elected by my Council Colleagues to serve on the City Council Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Oversight Committee, along with five other Councillors. We will meet every second Tuesday going forward. I will be your voice at the table on a go forward basis. I am committed to being open-minded and open to persuasion. I invite you to visit for current information.

Anderson Road Widening Project – Upcoming Traffic Restrictions at 14th Street

There are some planned traffic restrictions / closures for the Anderson Road Widening project. The main objectives for the 2018 construction season are:

  • Complete intersection improvements at Elbow Drive / Anderson Road;
  • Complete intersection improvements at 14th Street / Anderson Road;
  • Widen Anderson Road from 4 to 6 lanes between 14th Street and Elbow Drive;
  • Complete intersection improvements at 24th Street / Anderson Road;
  • Widen Anderson Road from 4 to 6 lanes west of 24th Street SW; and
  • Complete installation of noise barriers.

The most challenging aspect of this project is staging the work at the 14th Street and 24th Street intersections. To date, we have reviewed these closures with several City Departments and we have notified Emergency Services. We will be installing video message boards in advance of the closure and sending notifications to various Community Associations and Canyon Meadows Golf and Country Club, and updating the project website at