October 2023 Ward 3 Report – Councillor Jasmine Mian


Hope you’re enjoying the cooler weather and changing leaves! Here are some topics and questions we’ve received from residents this past month. For more information or to contact my office directly, visit jasminemian.com.

Q: Is the Telus construction work finished?

A: Yes! With the exception of remediation on yards that was started in the spring, Telus is finished with their Pure Fibre work in Ward 3. Telus will continue to provide maintenance services to residents who make reports through 311 but follow up with my office if you have not received timely assistance.

Q: What can I do if I see wrongly placed commercial advertising signs?

A: This has been a topic many residents have written to us about. Community Standards (bylaw) works consistently to take down wrongly placed signs across the city, but this is done on a complaint-based basis. You can easily report signs and their location via the 311 app, which is how the City tracks the signs. As always, if your service request is not responded to in a timely manner, reach out to my office to help resolve the issue.

City Budget – November

Next month marks the annual budget adjustments. From November 20 to 24, Council will be receiving presentations from Administration and debating additions and adjustments to the budget. All residents are invited to speak at Council and share their opinions via phone, in person, or written response. If you want to participate, visit https://www.calgary.ca/council/meetings/public-hearing.html to view your options and registration process.

Ward 3 – Councillor Jasmine Mian proudly serves the following Communities: Aurora Business Park, Carrington, Country Hills, Country Hills Village, Coventry Hills, Harvest Hills, Keystone Hills, Livingston, MacEwan Glen, Panorama Hills, Sandstone Valley