Olympic Plebiscite in Calgary


Dear Ward 4 Residents,

Olympic Plebiscite

Calgarians have an important choice to make on November 13th. We get to choose whether Calgary continues with the bid process for the 2026 Olympic Winter and Paralympic Games. I am not sure if this community newsletter will be in your mailbox before voting starts, but I want everyone to be aware of the facts before the vote, and no matter the outcome, what this means for Calgarians.

Advance Polls Voting take place November 6 and 7th. All details, poll locations, time of the vote, and what is needed to receive your ballot can be viewed here: http://www.calgary.ca/vote2018. Only Calgary residents over 18 years of age can vote.

BIDCO came out in September showing that an Olympic bid would cost $5.3B, $3.03B of which would come from taxpayers divided from the three levels of Government. This does not include an LRT connection to the Airport, or a new Arena.

With Calgary facing a financial future that may have to involve service cuts, and tax increases, any additional Olympic costs will have to be absorbed.

This is an important choice for Calgarians, and one that cannot be taken lightly. This decision will impact the direction our City will take over the next several decades and will impact how our City directs services and capital projects. There are dozens of projects in our city that are critically needed but are unfunded. Including the Green Line LRT that still desperately needs to head into our Ward 4.

Mark your calendar: Advance Vote is Tue, Nov 6th and Wed, Nov 7th. Vote day is Tue Nov 13th.,

and make sure you vote. This is too important not to.

Have a great November,

Councillor Sean Chu, Ward 4.