Olympic Plebiscite Vote


On Tuesday, November 13th, 2018, you’ll have your chance to help decide if Calgary will submit a bid for the 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Advanced voting is available on November 6 and 7.

The question you’ll be voting on is:

Are you for or are you against Calgary hosting the 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games?

__ I am for Calgary hosting

__ I am against Calgary hosting

As chair of the 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Assessment Committee, I’ve remained neutral on a potential bid. I hope you’ve been able to get all of the information you need to make an informed decision. I’ve included some links at the bottom of this article if you’d like more information. It’s not my goal to convince you one way or the other—there are many potential risks as well as potential benefits and you must weigh them carefully before voting.

Many Calgarians have said to me, “the plebiscite isn’t binding, so what’s the point?” or, “would you go against the results of the plebiscite?”

I certainly would not go against the wishes of Calgarians, regardless of if the majority were for or against a bid. I’ve said this publicly and I’ll reiterate that the plebiscite will be the final arbiter of how we decide on the Olympics.

I’d like to thank everyone who has worked on the Olympic Games bid including Calgary Bid Exploration Committee, Calgary 2026, the Engagement Advisory Sub-Committee, the City Secretariat, and my fellow Councillors. Overseeing the process has been an eye-opening and rewarding exercise and I’m thoroughly impressed with the work everyone has put in, especially considering some challenging timelines and climates many are working in.

More information, including how, when and where to vote is available at: www.calgary.ca/vote2018

For a summary of Olympic engagement, timelines, and more information about a potential bid, please visit: www.calgary.ca/calgary2026