Next Steps Forward for Alberta

Calgary Glenmore  e

Dear Constituents:

The spring session in Alberta’s Legislature is concluded; I’m proud of how our government is working hard to make life better for Albertans. Our government is also taking action to defend the energy industry and is fighting to get Trans Mountain Pipeline built.

Roadblocks by the BC government against the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion have caused uncertainty and hurt investors’ confidence, resulting in pipeline delays and the loss of millions of dollars in revenue to the Canadian economy. The delays are impacting hundreds of thousands of jobs, not just in Alberta, but across Canada, not to mention better schools and better hospitals as a result.

In defense of our Energy Industry, our government introduced Bill 12: Preserving Canada’s Economic Prosperity Act giving the government authority to, if necessary, require any company exporting energy products from Alberta to obtain a License. Products including natural gas, crude oil and refined fuels like gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. Export restrictions could be imposed on pipelines, or transport via rail or truck. Companies would not be automatically required to apply for an export license and would only be directed to do so if the minister deemed it necessary.

These powers are not powers Alberta wants to use, but we will do so if it means long-term benefit for the industry, for Alberta, and for Canada. This legislation is about having maximum flexibility and leverage in the event of future efforts to delay or block construction of the Trans Mountain pipeline.

Our government introduced Bill 1: The Energy Diversification Act to avoid boom and bust cycle in the economy and stabilize our leadership in oil and gas. Renewal of the Petrochemical Diversification Program awarded support for two projects expected to create more than 4,000 construction jobs and over 200 full-time jobs during operation.