September 2022 MLA Report – Calgary North West – Sonya Savage

Calgary North West

Your provincial government, with the newly created Hydrogen Centre of Excellence, is moving forward with applications to position Alberta as a global leader in the hydrogen economy.

This game changing industry will benefit every Albertan from the lowering of greenhouse gasses; help build the immense opportunities for Alberta’s energy sector; and will continue to cement Alberta as a secure energy source for the world.

The province is providing over $20 million in funding to new projects that are focused on accelerating clean energy development of hydrogen in Alberta. The call for proposals is another great example of how the Hydrogen Centre of Excellence is working with industry to make great leaps forward in production and transmission of clean energy.

Albertans will benefit from all the innovative solutions that Albertan companies and entrepreneurs will present. Alberta’s ingenuity is leading the way in the clean hydrogen industry. The same innovation and passion that made the oil sands a reality. This funding is part of the initial $50 million that was given to the centre in April 2022 to kick-start the hydrogen industry in Alberta. There is up to $2 million available per project that is successful.

This is just one of many ways your government is ensuring Alberta’s economy grows to meet the challenges of the future. And with these investments and a clear policy goal for building this industry, we will attract the best talent in the world to call our province home.

For more information on this project, visit

MLA – Calgary North West Sonya Savage proudly serves the following Communities: Rocky Ridge, Royal Oak, Scenic Acres, Tuscany