May 2023 MP Report – Calgary Centre – Greg McLean



The current government has spent millions – much of it on ‘consultants’ and ‘studies’ to move Canadian workers toward a ‘just transition’. These green jobs are supposed to have higher salaries than those in the oil sector — as long as they are subsidized by various levels of government. These jobs are not ‘sustainable’ from the sense that they do not stand on their own.

My study of the government’s performance in this realm has shown that the programs they’ve delivered on ‘just transition’ for coal workers have accomplished nothing for workers but put taxpayer funds in the hands of consultants. The Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development has stated “the government is not prepared to provide appropriate support to more than 50 communities and 170,000 workers in the fossil fuels sector.”

Despite popular literature, oil and gas will be in demand for decades to come. In addition to being an efficient source of energy, over 6,000 everyday products are made from the petrochemicals that are derived from oil and gas. These include cell phones, aspirin, clothing, bandages, and eyeglasses. Canada’s natural resource sector supplies the most transparent, environmentally, and advanced energy solutions, and over 80% of the world’s energy still comes from fossil fuel sources. Since the demand is not going away, Canada should be the world’s leading exporter of oil and gas.

I will continue to advocate for an effective environmental plan that balances both emission reductions and clean natural resource development. These include:

• Support for Carbon Capture, Utilize, and Storage technologies.

• Displacing oil supply from authoritarian regimes and less environmentally responsible jurisdictions.

• Advancing Canadian cleaner energy projects — to replace coal burning. Replacing a coal plant with Canada’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) reduces emissions by 50% immediately.

Currently, only one LNG proposal is under construction. The world does not have access to our LNG because of the hurdles presented by the current government. This needs to change.

Please contact me at [email protected] or by phone at 403-244-1880 and keep up to date on my work in Parliament on my website,


Greg McLean

MP – Calgary Centre Greg McLean proudly serves the following Communities: Altadore, Alyth, Bankview, Bel-Aire , Bonnybrook, Britannia, Burns Industrial, Chinatown, Cliff Bungalow , Connaught (Beltline), Currie, Downtown East Village, Downtown West End, Eau Claire, Elbow Park, Elboya, Erlton, Garrison Green, Garrison Woods, Highfield, Inglewood, Killarney-Glengarry, Lincoln Park, Lower Mount Royal, Manchester, Manchester Industrial, Marda Loop, Mayfair, Meadowlark Park, Mission, Mount Royal, North Glenmore Park, Parkhill, Ramsay, Richmond-Knob Hill, Rideau Park, River Park, Roxboro, Rutland Park, Scarboro, Scarboro/Sunalta West, Shaganappi, South Calgary, Sunalta, Upper Mount Royal, Victoria Park, Windsor Park