The Significance of Neighbour Day

Calgary Signal Hill e

Albertans believe family time is important and opportunities to celebrate these values. The importance of family was recognized with the first Family Day holiday celebrated in 1990. Then Premier, Don Getty, said it was important for Albertans to spend time with their families and this holiday would emphasize the importance of family values. Since that time, other provinces have followed Alberta’s lead.

In Calgary, a relatively new initiative began in 2014—Neighbor Day—which is celebrated on the third Saturday of June. Neighbor Day allows families to expand these same values with the community and evolved as a result of the neighbourly initiatives during the flood of 2013. This day provides an opportunity to meet new neighbors whether it is in a formally planned event or just being introduced to someone new.

I encourage constituents to consider celebrating Neighbor Day at such events as block parties, neighborhood cleanup, community barbeques, or a community garage sale. Several communities in our riding have organized various events so I encourage you to check with your association for opportunities for your family to participate in. Although Calgarians and Albertans are well known for their warm and welcoming hospitality throughout the year, it is important to celebrate this spirit on neighbor day.

In less than a month, our biggest display of community spirit will take place when we proudly host visitors from around the world at the Calgary Stampede. This year will be no exception as we celebrate and preserve our western heritage, culture, and community spirit for the 106th occasion.

So now that spring has finally arrived, and we move into summer, take the opportunity to meet your neighbours at one of the many opportunities Calgary offers.

Please feel free to contact my office if you are hosting an event over the summer or have any other issues.