A November Update from the Nitanisak District Girl Guides

Categories Girl Guides

4th Brownies

It has been a busy start to the year for the 4th Brownies. We started off our year getting to know our new Brownie friends, learning our Brownie Promise and Law and preparing for enrollment. We kicked off our Brownie year with a camp at Camp Jubilee bridging with our Guide Friends. The girls were very excited to get outside, play some games and of course have a campfire. We continue to work on our badges with a focus on the community both locally and globally, as well as getting the girls involved in Service Projects. The girls have chosen to focus their Service Projects on Animals and other kids their age so we will be exploring the needs these two groups have and how we can help. We look forward to having another great year in Guiding!

4th Guides

The 4th Guides have had a busy start to this new guiding year. Over the past few weeks we will be focusing on the Guide Promise and Law, as well as getting to know one another. We have worked on some program work and are getting ready for enrolment. The Fall cookies have arrived, and our girls had a door to door cookie blitz here in Hidden Valley. We also had a cookie stand at Walmart in Sage Hill. Thank you all for your support. The girls are looking forward to Our Olympic Camp in October with the Brownies at Camp Jubilee as well as learning some fire skills at Edworthy park, Learning some Camp songs from the Calgary Area Singers. It is shaping up to be an exciting year.