Bridgeland’s Editor’s Message for October

Community Newsletter Bridgeland

by Alex MacWiliam

As the seasons change in this unprecedented and unforgettable year, it is good to look for and take note of positive activities in our neighbourhood. Bridgeland Riverside was recently ranked #5 in Avenue Magazine’s annual survey of Calgary’s Best Neighbourhoods, a data driven assessment of 208 areas in the city. While the pandemic has taken its toll on our local businesses, with some having to close their doors permanently, new businesses have opened, and others will be starting up in the months to come. The construction projects underway in The Bridges area will bring hundreds of new residents to our community, provide more customers for local businesses and more “eyes on the street”. Construction of Flyover Park is well underway and promises to provide an innovative and exciting gathering place for all ages. The old grey concrete “bunker” in General Plaza has been transformed into an eye-catching piece of public art, thanks to the talents of local artist Sergey Ryutin (aka @bravotoner).

Many of these positive changes are the result of initiatives spearheaded by volunteers, fellow residents of our community. Other Bridgelanders contribute their time to cleaning up litter and repairing wayfinding signage such as the big “Ls”. Another volunteer organization, The Farmers’ Market adjusted its operations in response to the pandemic and managed to keep its vendors busy and its patrons supplied with great produce and crafts. There are numerous opportunities to get involved, meet your neighbours and make positive contributions to our neighbourhood. The Bridgeland Riverside Community Association will be holding its Annual General Meeting on November 18 and BRCA is looking for people to join the Board of Directors or any of its committees.