Renfrew’s President’s Message for July


Well y’all, it’s Stampede! That means it’s the Renfrew Community Association’s biggest event of the year. We’re known as hosting one of the ‘funnest’ Pancake Breakfasts in the City; high praise, indeed!

An entire day of festivities doesn’t happen without the help of all the wonderful people who volunteer a bit, or all, of their time to the day. I’m excited to be leading the 10-noon Kids Carnival this year, in the very noticeable absence of Lise and Olivia Goemans, with the assistance of Maddie Bemrose. And if you know me, this is well outside my comfort zone, but I also know how much fun those kids have and couldn’t let them be disappointed! If you are able to help at anytime on Saturday, July 6, whether it be for an hour, or two, or longer, and haven’t yet signed up, please do so at or contact Mary Grace directly at [email protected].

I’m also looking forward to defending my bottom three, (maybe it was dead last but who’s to say), title in the horseshoe tournament and checking out the Alehouse and Outdoor Saloon. Not to mention the live band, and entertainment! Check out the poster in the newsletter for an itinerary of the day.

Post-Stampede also brings to a substantial end David Barrett’s position as Interim Treasurer. David, who is also a part of the 2019 Federation of Calgary Faces of Community,, stepped up to take on the role of Interim Treasurer in 2017. He is unable to continue on in this role, in addition to his VP External role, since he can’t get rid of us entirely. After Stampede, he will be stepping down as Interim Treasurer. The Board cannot thank David enough for all he has done as Interim Treasurer!

What does that mean for the RCA? The Treasurer position is an important role, which ensures the Board is following its financial checks and balances, as well as keeping our accounts receivable and payable running smoothly. This position is integral to the financial accountability of the RCA to its stakeholders, and membership.

If you have been considering stepping forward for this role, now is the time! This position is technically not up for election this year. Whomever steps into the role, after being vetted and appointed by the Board, would be doing so for the remainder of the term, which concludes in November 2020. You also do not need to be a CPA or accountant to take on the Treasurer portfolio, although some financial background, or a keen interest in accounting and fiscal reporting is helpful. There are many resources available for this position including training and mentoring with the Board, a bookkeeper to assist with more day to day responsibilities, like reconciliations and cheques, and Federation of Calgary Communities training.

Back in the April edition of the Renfrew Reflections, we highlighted the Treasurer position. It’s a role the Board would like to see filled, so we are highlighting the position again this month. The treasurer has the powers and duties that all Board Directors have, including promoting the objects of and membership in the Association, maintaining and protecting assets and property, making policies and procedures, approving an annual budget, paying all expenses and receiving all revenues, authorizing employees, and ensuring compliance with the Bylaws and any legislation [see Section 6.2 of the Bylaws for a complete list]. In addition to these, the Treasurer also deals with all funds coming in and going out of the Association, advises regarding the financial position and best practices of the Association, is part of the Executive, ensures the preparation of an annual budget, and chairs the Finance committee.

We can assure you that our new Treasurer would have the support and assistance of the Executive and Board in ensuring any new person in the position received the guidance, mentoring and training required to fill such a vital role. Please reach out to either me, your President, at [email protected] or to David directly at [email protected] to discuss your interest in the Treasurer position, and how you can be an integral part of the Renfrew Community Association!

Make sure to follow the Renfrew Community Association on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @renfrewca for the most up-to-date information!

Notice of Board Meeting: Next Board meeting is Tuesday, June 25 at 7 pm at the Hall. Members are welcome to attend. Please note there will be no July Board meeting as we take a much deserved and needed break post-Stampede!