Banff Trail’s November Message from the President

Presidents Message Banff Trail

I’m happy to welcome many new members to the board of directors this year, and I’m sad to see the retirement of some. My great thanks to Alfred Wright, Nadine Weller, and Gianna Cassell, who contributed greatly to the community during their time on the board, and who assure me they still love Banff Trail and will continue make this place great.

Information of Note in the Community:

  • Due to a break-in at the hall, the Open House has been postponed. This is our third break-in in six months, and the impact on the facility and our finances is not negligible. If anyone has any information that might help, I urge you to contact the Calgary police directly by calling 311.
  • I was happy to see many of you at our annual Harvest Festival and Soup Potluck, and this year we snuck in the AGM too. Councillor Druh Farrell was in attendance and spoke about development, parking, and more. The soup was great, too!
  • We have money available for micro-grants, but only until the end of December. These are small projects that cost a max of $2000 that you think could improve the neighbourhood, and other than that, anything goes. If you have an idea, and especially if you’re willing to kick it off, I encourage you to email me.
  • At the AGM, we voted to set membership fees this year to zero dollars. Free. Please get a membership! All we need from you is a name, contact, and whether or not your address is in the boundaries. The easiest way is to just send an email to [email protected].
  • Are you young and community-minded? We’re creating a Banff Trail Youth Council, and if that piques your curiosity, please email me!
  • Our Conversation Club is more popular than ever. Every Monday 1-4pm a group of residents meet in the boardroom to talk about everything and anything. We supply coffee and a few snacks.
  • Free Boardgame Night has been very lively. The 2nd Friday of every month, 6:30pm to 11pm, in the basement. We provide light snacks and drinks. Bring your families, friends, and favourite games.
  • Look out for our Garden Shed Renovation coming this fall! Designed and constructed by our board members Alfred, Wanda, and Mike, it will be the center of may enchanting garden parties to come.
  • Have I missed anything important here? If so, please let me know!

Every one of these fantastic items happens thanks to the help of interested members of the community. If you have anything you’re interested in, don’t hesitate to get involved. Our meetings are always the first Wednesday of the month, 7-9pm. Feel free to send me an email at [email protected] or just show up. You’ll be welcomed into a pretty awesome group of neighbours who are here to make Banff Trail a great place to be.

Barry Clement

BTCA President