Crescent Heights Block Connector for August


Meet Denan! He’s our youngest block connector!

Neighbouring is a movement. For me, the mom, it’s still something new. My little (ok, rather tall) almost five year old is reminding me that it can be easy. For him, it’s both intuitive and organic. I am still getting my feet wet, so to speak, and some days it still feels quite courageous when I reach out with a hello or engage in conversation with someone I am just meeting.

If you ask my son Denan what it means to be a neighbour or a block connector, he says it means to be kind, to take care of each other and Mother Earth. He says neighbours live right next to us and also really far away, and so for him, kindness is a continuous extension to everyone we encounter.

Denan isn’t concerned with how he might come across or what people might think of him. He knows what he likes and what he doesn’t. He gets involved in his passions. He wants to meet people, have fun, and take care of our community. He is busy making an imprint on our neighbourhood. You might see him running, scooting, or someday soon now, biking as a new graduate of pedal heads. He is into picking up garbage and sharing stories. He would love to tell you about his dog, Cedar, or perhaps the fact that we have a trampoline. He might also share that his mom is the Neighbourhood Connector and what that means. Spoiler alert, Denan says I get both a badge and a space outfit if I do a good job of it for long enough. The badge will say “Neighbourhood Connector” on it.

As the Neighbourhood Connector, currently without a space suit, my “job” is to meet people and see if they are willing to join us in our neighbouring movement. So, Denan and I are both wondering, would you be willing to identify as a Block Connector? A Block Connector is someone who cares about where they live. That means each of us could likely already have that title. If you would like to be part of connecting your neighbours, your block, or your community through an event or project, or perhaps you have a skill to share or are in need of one, then reach out to me. Yes, it can take a little courage to start, and it is well worth it. I have met and continue to meet amazing people that inspire me and remind me what it is to live in community. I would truly love to share more of what is happening and how it might fit for you. Denan could tell you a few things too.

You can find us at [email protected] or 403-978-7443.