Hidden Valley’s President’s Message for April 2023

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Hello everyone, I wanted to take the chance to share a quick message with you this month. I joined the board last September as the Vice-President. I became the president in February as our former President, Brian P., decided to focus on other pursuits. All the best to Brian, and thanks to him for his hard work on behalf of the HVCA.

The past few years have been interesting ones in our community and the world, as we’ve all had to pull together through unusual times. The HVCA has been quietly hard at work upgrading parks and continuing to improve our community through the efforts of Sarah P. We hadn’t been able to host as many events, but that changed in September with our big Anniversary and Cultural Event! It was great to see you. Thank you for also joining us at the December Bake Sale and Craft Fair, and at the Board Game Bashes we’ve been holding monthly since November.

We have a whole list of events planned for you this year, including a Bike Repair Clinic, Sounds and Spirits, Food Trucks, and a Dog Meet-up. Keep checking our website at hiddenhut.org and our Facebook, HVCA Hidden Valley Community Association and Instagram accounts (hvcahiddenhut).

If these events sound interesting to you, you are always welcome to join us as a volunteer and as an HVCA community association member. We’re looking forward to meeting you and we appreciate your contribution to our community.

Vincent L.