Highland Park Planning and Development Report for August

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by D. Jeanne Kimber | [email protected]

The month of July will be keeping the Calgary Planning Commission (CPC) busy hearing four separate applications for land uses changes within Highland Park. These four are:

  • LOC2022-0048 116 43 Ave NE for a land use change to M-CG which would allow for construction of a 4-plex. A Development Permit (DP) application for the structure has not yet been submitted.
  • LOC2022-0071 3903 2 St NW for R-CG land use to permit construction of a rowhouse. A DP application has also been submitted and is Under Review for the building which would contain four main units, each with a basement suite. The DP file reference is DP2022-04104.
  • LOC2022-0007 404 33 Ave NW for a land use change to R-CG (the City’s development map says R-CG but we were informed it would be R-CGex). There is some ambiguity as to whether or not this is really scheduled for CPC on July 21.
  • LOC2022-0084 3424 Centre B St NW for a zoning change to R-CG. The intent is also to construct a rowhouse although the DP application has not been filed yet.

The agenda for the CPC was not yet available at the time of writing this newsletter article (July 10). You can look for it closer to the hearing date at https://www.calgary.ca/ca/city-clerks/legislative-services/agenda-minutes.html.

DP2022-00977 for a 4-plex at 4320 Centre A St NE is still under review, and comments can still be submitted via the development map at https://developmentmap.calgary.ca/.

DP2021-5688 for a rowhouse at 4024 2 St NW is also still under review.

DP2022-03660 for a semi-detached at 4015 1 St NW was approved on July 4. The appeal period ends on July 28. There is a link to submit an appeal via the development map. The cost of an appeal to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB) is $200.

With respect to the property at 457 33 Ave NW, the land use change to R-CG was approved on May 10, but a development permit still has not been submitted to the City.

The development permit application for a rowhouse at 3306 1 St NE is still under review and comments can be submitted. The file reference is DP2022-04064. Likewise, an application to construct a 4-plex at 308 32 Ave NE is also still under review. The file reference for this application is DP2022-00854.

The HPCA and nearby residents just recently received a brochure outlining a proposed redevelopment for 453 and 475 35 Ave NW. Although an application has not yet been filed with the city, the proposal would see a land use change to M-CG to enable the construction of three rowhouse buildings built around an interior courtyard space. Five units would face 4 St NW, three units would face 35 Ave NW, and three units would be in an interior building. All these would have small basement suites. There would also be a parking garage for eleven vehicles accessible from the laneway. Further information will be provided when available.

As always, we encourage Highland Park residents to keep informed of redevelopment activities in the community. The City’s development map is a great tool to help with that. We also wish everyone a safe and enjoyable summer.